Before & After Photos

For these above before and after Celluma Series images, no other modalities were used to achieve these results!



These were taken by my client before I found a reliable dermatology lens. In this non-traumatic, non-toxic, no downtime, Nano Skin Resurfacing 6 Series, notice pigment improvement on sunspots, slight lifting of naso-labial folds from corners of mouth to jawline, and scar improvement. Lighting is a little bit off because I simply cannot tell you how difficult it can be to get exact lighting positions 30 min later, let alone 2 months later. A half an inch off in your position changes lighting but you can still see wonderful improvement considering how easy this treatment is. Easy compared to micro-needling and laser which this treatment was designed to replace. This client is "very pleased", she said. 1-3 more 6 series necessary for happier result, but can keep going until happiest result is achieved. Very friendly to skin, mind and body. 




Simple Brow Wax/Tweeze/Trim


Before & after gentle blonde blend tinting of eyebrows. Blondes usually feel their natural brows look too washed out but are very scared of tinting looking too dark. This is my blonde blend. 

More coming soon!